I love adventure, people, and working on projects with artists making awesome stuff. Sometimes this involves taking photographs, shooting video, or recording movie sound. Sometimes it's just me making gear in the garage to support the other stuff. I am always ready for new challenges in great places with awesome people.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Chapmans Concert - New Brunswick, Canada

If you believe like I do that life is about the journey and not the destination, then traveling thirty hours each way in a tour bus to work two nights makes perfect sense. As a job, traveling with The Chapmans from Missouri up to New Brunswick, Canada really did not compute, but when I friend asked if I was interested in an adventure, the timing was right.

In addition to managing a five camera live concert shoot, I got the opportunity to explore a part of the world I had not visited, experience the "Woodchuck Man" of Bouctouche, and meet and stay with some of the most awesome Canadians around.

The long trip and the show are now behind me, but the memories and friendships I made in Canada should be around forever.

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